pregnancy week 36
Things are really happening now! Now that I’m 36 weeks pregnant, I can expect my baby to wriggle into the right position for delivery, which is not only exciting but also a bit comfier on my tummy. I’m on my maternity leave and finally I have time to prepare for the birth – as well as enjoying plenty of rest.
week 36

For many parents-to-be, this is the time to start thinking of a few baby essentials and to start shopping for the baby. Here are some items that are good to have ready, you can find them all online on
- An infant car seat, for that important first car journey home
- A Moses basket, which can be more reassuring for sleepy little ones than a big cot
- Sleepsuits, vests and nappies – My baby will love feeling warm and snug!
me at week 36
My baby is changing positions now as they get ready for the big day. They will 'engage', which means that they will move a bit lower, with their heads towards the birth canal. I can tell this by looking at myself sideways in the mirror and seeing that my bump has dropped – one of the possible pregnancy symptoms of week 36. Walking is a bit trickier now, as there is more pressure on my pelvis. However, this new position makes breathing and eating more comfortable again, which feels wonderful!
my baby at week 36
My baby is about 47cm long, and weighs around 2.7kg. At the 36th week of the pregnancy, my baby’s immune system and blood circulatory systems are now ready for the outside world, although ideally, a bit more weight would be nice. My little one now has less room to move, but I notice a period with no movement or my baby’s normal movement pattern changes, I get in touch with my doctor so she can check that all is well.
things to do
For many pregnant women, this is the time that maternity leave starts. Treat the next month or so as a break, and use the time to have plenty of rest. Now I’m no longer juggling work with baby preparations, it’s a great opportunity to start getting my baby’s things together such as sleepsuits, rompers, baby toiletries I finally have time to stock up on items I’ll need as well soon, like nursing bras, maternity tops, dresses and even breast pumps. Keep in touch with friends and colleagues, because maternity leave can feel a little odd at first, especially if you’re used to a busy environment. Plan plenty of café dates or gentle walks together.